Another thing to keep in mind. There is perpetual construction of I-10 between Orange, TX and Winnie, TX. You will hit some slow downs between Orange and Beaumont. Early morning the traffic is not bad. There will be some slow downs as you near the bridge construction on the east side of Beaumont. Biggest hazard will be the wanna be stock car racers zig zagging the lanes.
If approaching Houston on a Friday evening I would recommend you consider stopping in the Winnie area for the night and get an early start Saturday morning.
There are two RV parks in Winnie. I stayed at one for three years (Trading Days RV and Flea Mkt.) Nothing fancy, just basic hook ups.
An early Saturday start will find I-10 thru Houston relatively easy flowing. Watch your GPS when approaching San Antonio. STAY on I-10 through there. If you follow the GPS expect many tight turns and stop lights. (Don't ask me how I know. lol)
Top off your tank around Comfort, TX. Fuel again around Ft. Stockton. My home base is just NW of Houston. I carry 110 gallons of fuel with a full bag. I can make Phoenix with that if I push it. I generally put on another 40 gallons at Las Cruces, NM just because things can happen.
When arriving in the Phoenix area watch out for the few empty heads that change lanes on a whim and think they are the only ones there. Also, It is amazing the amount of head on collisions I have heard on the news on the Loops (101/202) over the last year that I have been here.
Keep your head on a swivel when stopping for fuel around Houston. But be double alert around San Antonio and El Paso!
Personal experience. YMMV