mich800 wrote:
It makes you wonder. What if it was a piece of farm equipment, an Amish buggy, or any other obstacle. Listening to some of the comments it seems like as long as the obstacle will not cause too much damage to their vehicle go ahead and hit it. If it was a tractor in the road would the motorhome have done more to brake instead of just trying to move over? Probably, because a tractor would pose a higher risk of damage or injury to themselves.
i don't believe anyone had even hinted at to just "go ahead and hit it". bike riders, pedestrians, motor vehicles all need to be watchful and careful. but everyone also has a responsibility to act responsibly and share tge road. but from observing bike riders in my town on a daily basis i'd have to say that bikers as a whole generally ignore traffic safety laws placing themselves and pedestrians in harm's way. running stop signs and traffic lights, suddenly swerving in front of motor vehicles to make right or left turns, speeding on walking paths seemingly oblivious to pedestrians out for a stroll, riding on sidewalks weaving between pedestrians, wearing dark or non-reflective clothing at night while riding unlit bikes, riding abreast rather than single file and on an on.
drivers need to be more aware as well and "start seeing bikers" but virtually every driver i see that comes up on a biker from the rear moves over to pass or slows down and waits if oncoming traffic doesn't permit it. no, nobody has suggested or implied its ok to hit a biker but if a biker is riding recklessly which results in a crash then that biker bears at least partial responsibility.