Driving 101. Don't outdrive your sight lines. Could be a bicyclist, a deer, a homeless drunk sitting in the street, a pool of oil, you don't know what's around the next corner. As a life long motorcyclist and ex-road bicyclist, I'm quite aware of the dangers around me.
I don't pass a bicycle if I don't have the room. Sometimes that means going REAL slow and getting honked at for a while until either a) space opens up to make the pass or b) the bicycle pulls off and lets me by.
There are a whole lot of impatient drivers out on the road these days, I gave up road cycling about 15 years ago and stick with mountain biking now. I'm a good cyclist, but I don't trust people. Seems like every few months there's another cyclist killed by a car around here. Road riding does not pass the sanity test for me anymore.