Tvov wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
Many postes talk of bikes being careless. And yes, it does happen. But many drivers are irrational about bikes. I'm commuting, probably 12-15 MPH, traffic passing me at 40, no issue. Light turns red, cars stop. Now I'm passing them at 15, and you would think I was slapping their face as I go by.
If a cyclist is not obeying the law/rules of the road, and gets hit, that is on him. But if he is just riding along, obeying the rules with regard to lights and reflectors, and you run into him, it is you that is wrong
Just to be clear, you aren't just going through a red light "passing them at 15mph"? Because THAT is what pisses off car drivers, it happens all the time, and that is why they are giving you the stink eye.
No, as I get close to the intersection I adjust my speed, want to go across intersection near middle of green. This section of state highway has 2 travel lanes each direction, plus 2 left turn, and a right turn at the intersections. Near the major intersections, it has walls to seperate cars going different directions, but between there is 2 wide lanes to use for turning left into business driveway.
At a red light, you bicycle up towards the intersection on the right hand side, correct? Fine, but... if the first car has its right hand blinker on, do you go right up next to it, blocking it from turning? Especially after the light turns green, do you start out right away -- preventing the car, who was at the intersection before you, from turning?
When I'm passing cars I always look for turn signals. I will not pass one unless I'm sure that I will not interfere. At the start of a right turn lane, I will move left until I'm at the right edge of thru lane. And yes, at that point I may have cars on both sides of me. Double handful of seat and both hands on the bars.
I was stopped by a worker on the road where construction was going....
You don't want to hear of all the stupid I have seen around construction sites, but it is enough that I do not think a ticket should be issued for speeding thru one. A better idea, is soon as you are stopped, while still in hurry, blindfold you, tie you so you can't move, stand you in a barrel, and set you on the line to protect the workers for a few hours.
Just another day of dealing with rude bicyclists who ignore "rules of the road".
I am always a little surprised at the "bicycle advocates" who seemingly never see any bicyclist ignoring road laws and just being a jerk in general on the road.
And always a little surprised when a RVer gets all upset at the thought of taking a test to prove he knows the difference in the "rules" between car and a larger vehicle. Or my marker lights don't work, what should I do when I get home?
It is not just the cyclist that think the rules don't apply...