..You ordered this with a credit card, so there should be an easy solution here, without taking anybody to court: Call your credit card company, and protest the charges. There is no way they (blue ox distributor you're working with) will win that dispute, when they have not even shipped anything to you and the order is cancelled. Problem solved.
Hate to hear that you're having this problem. There are several other places you can order blue ox products from, I'd just go through one of them. PPL is one of them that was just mentioned that has a pretty good reputation. I ordered from hitchsource.com when getting Blue Ox baseplates, and they've always been great.
On another note: Since you're talking about ordering a braking system, have you considered
ReadyBrake? I like this system MUCH better than any of the 'electronic box' type systems. Very simple cable operated system, no electronics to foul up, and costs a fraction of what you're about to spend for that Patriot system. I highly, highly recommend Readybrake.