The marketing organization you are dealing with is not Blue Ox, the manufacturer, rather it is an online distributor using their name. Don't let that turn you off on the product.
It is quite likely that you never got to the BlueOx website, that your search engine took you to this online vendor, who has a website that looks like what your would expect from the manufacturer. There's a lot of this spoofing going on, everywhere on the Internet.
For towing equipment, I've had great service from Order acceptance emails immediately, confirmations at each stage of order processing up to shipment (then I am in the hands of UPS or FedEx).
PPL is another reliable vendor of all kinds of stuff RV. But for towing equipment, they might not have just what you need, and if you prefer to buy online etrailer has more warehousing sources, kind of like an Amazon for towing equipment.
For a lot of things like this, I simply go to my local RV dealer. They have at least a dozen different warehousing suppliers, they will check for availability and price, and order for the supplier they've found to be most reliable. That's a piece of information you don't have, using where Internet search engines send you.