Forum Discussion

BobnSofi's avatar
Jul 21, 2017

Brake Buddies, BrakePro, raodmaster, evenbrake ???

Hi All,

Just picked up a 2016 Ford Edge for our pusher to drag... to prepare for some long haul'n.

In the past we have always had light Towds and towd in an assisted braking exempt state.

So here we go...

??? What system do you all pros suggest ???

??? links to learn, which & why ???

thanks to those of you posting with experience/knowledge
thanks to those of you not posting otherwise
  • mowermech wrote:
    Why 20 MPH? Well, probably because that is what most state Braking Performance Laws (and the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards) specify in the test parameters.

    Refer to the Code of Virginia 46.2-880

    seems like a useless test to me. 20 mph works in a school zone. :)
  • checked out Code of Virginia 46.2-880. can somebody explain what that bunch of gobbledygoop says/means?
  • Montana's Braking Performance Law (MCA 61-9-312) is quite simply stated.
    I have no idea what the Virginia Legislature had in mind when they passed 46.2-880. It sure does contain a lot of information, though!
  • mowermech wrote:
    Montana's Braking Performance Law (MCA 61-9-312) is quite simply stated.
    I have no idea what the Virginia Legislature had in mind when they passed 46.2-880. It sure does contain a lot of information, though!

    I googled that number and just got a page full of scattered numbers. but I question if VA legislature has a mind. :)

    but (just guessing here) that these state performance laws merely state that the unit must be able to brake to a stop in x ft at x mph? really has no relationship as to how much the toad needs to add if any, just covers the entire unit? but a stop from 20 mph seems to me to be a joke, at 20 mph I consider myself to be virtually stopped already. :)