JRscooby wrote:
wjschill wrote:
Just a simple question.....
Thanks George..
Take a break, Bumpy
No, it is not a simple question.
First, no state law can repeal the laws of physics. More weight at a given speed takes more brake or more distance to stop. Many think think they can control the distance, are willing to bet somebody else's life on it.
Then there can be no break-away system on the toad without a brake system. When a driverless car goes across a playground because it came un-hooked does it matter to the parents of the kids injured the car weighs 2500 or 4500 lbs?
Correct, not that simple, as the OP obviously doesn't have a bunch of towing experience under his belt, or the question wouldn't be asked.
But consider this. Is one automatically unsafe because they can't stop their vehicle as fast as the best vehicle on the road? Or are they unsafe if they can't stop as fast as the heaviest vehicle on the road? Or are they unsafe if they cant stop as fast as possible for their given vehicle?
And what determines how fast that should be? Is it reasonable to expect one to upgrade good functioning, but older brakes to some aftermarket "better" system, because it's "possible" although maybe not physically or financially reasonable?
Is it unsafe to drive my truck with 37s on it because it won't stop as fast as one with stock size tires? What if I have better brake pads and an exhaust brake to aid in the process (yes I know EBs aren't functional in panic stops)?
After considering all this, who are you or anyone else to determine what is super safe, what is "normal", what is marginally safe and what is egregiously unsafe? Because it sounds like most of the folks here jump straight to egregiously unsafe.
Why is that?
Lack of knowledge?
Poor driving skill?
Increased reaction times due to old age?
Bad experiences in the past?
Maybe excessive knowledge, a subject matter expert on braking? (Not likely as that would be followed up by data not conjecture about tying your kids to your front bumper...)
Is it totally unfounded and just "feels" right...or wrong?
Belief in sales pitches?
I mean, you don't know if someone's rig is at their gvw (assuming optimal braking is designed for that unit and gvw). What if the rig and the toad are under the gvwr? Is it safe then?
Why do sub 3000lb trailers generally not even come with brakes? Millions of them zooming around every day. I don't see them crashing into other cars. It must be legal, right? An entire industry couldn't be building and selling illegal unsafe trailers legally, could they?
What is the difference between towing a 2600lb toad or a 2600lb cargo trailer with no brakes? Is the onus on the trailer owner to immediately upgrade their trailer even though it doesn't need brakes BY LAW?
The whole point of this, is you can't idiot proof everything in the world and a certain amount of caution, training and knowledge is required to do anything other than just breathe and defecate. Those things will happen automatically no matter how unskilled one is.
An educated decision and a little responsibility go a long way and well, some folks just should mind their own business.
I can't stop people who can't parallel park a Prius from driving a motorhome. Will brakes on their toad make them safer? Idk, maybe, but they'll probably side swipe you or a phone pole before they rear end you, because jamming on the brakes in an emergency situation is a pretty basic skill/reaction.