Forum Discussion

BillB800si's avatar
May 25, 2013

Brand new - "AS IS" ??

Here's a new twist on buying a brand new RV. Yesterday I picked up our new 2014 Cougar H.C. 321RES and when signing the paperwork I'm handed a sheet entitled, "Service Call Agreement". In the body of this letter I'm required to sign is says,
" It is important for you to be aware of the Manufacturer's warranty policy regarding your recreational vehicle/unit since General RV sold it to you "AS IS" and since General RV does not issue any warranties whatsoever, express or implied, and because all warranties received by you are solely issued by the manufacturer of your recreational vehicle/unit"..
Now this is from the largest family owned RV Dealer in the U.S. (offices in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Utah and Florida)

So when purchasing from General RV be aware of your rights or lack thereof.

Happy trails,
Bill B. (Michigan)
  • The dealer is being very upfront that the unit is warranted by the manufacture and not by the seller. Standard practice, the dealer is having you sign the paper work in the spirt of full discloser. Didn't state that the wouldn't do warranty work just that the warranty is provide by (Approved and payed for)third parties which is the case on most units. I don't see a problem.

    BTW you weren't required to sign the agreement, in fact you weren't required to buy the trailer you could of moved on to another dealer.
  • Sounds like a lawyer has the dealer initiate that paper so that the dealer can avoid any implication of any warranty, expressed or implied.
  • The real question is "Does your General RV dealer do warranty work for Keystone?" My guess is yes they would. Especially since you purchased it from them.
  • So do tell us you walked out the door, you didn't sign that waiver of liability? Or did you?