noteven wrote:
deltabravo wrote:
Whangler wrote:
I've never liked that 3"-2" adapter set up. Think I'll visit the welder when I get home for some mods to the receiver.
Replace the hitch shank with a 3" version.
"Modifying" a trailer hitch by welding on it is never a good idea.
Hi deltabravo - why do you question welding a hitch shank using proper workmanship?
How, exactly, do you ensure "proper workmanship?"
I'm not an expert in welding. Most people aren't.
I do not know what goes into the design of a hitch shank. Most people don't.
I don't know anyone who could tell me with certainty that something as critical as a hitch shank is constructed with "proper workmanship." Most people don't either.
How do I know that someone didn't just lay a pretty "stack of dimes" but got ZERO penetration in the weld? How do I know that the builder didn't put too much heat into the weld making it brittle? Short answer is I don't, until the trailer decides to part company with the truck. Then it's too late. Will the fabricator stand behind his work, or when you point at him and say, "His fault," will he claim to have never seen you before in his life?
At least something commercially made has a big nameless faceless corporation and a fat liability policy for the other guy's lawyers to go after.