RoyF wrote:
How far can you travel on a broken leaf spring?
In 2011, I first noticed my trailer leaning to one side in Bosque del Apache, New Mexico. (I thought the campsite was just a bit off level.) I drove 850 miles to home with two camps along the way. Only when I got home did I notice a broken spring. (Was I just stupid? Yes, but then I was pretty new to RVing.)
I upgraded all springs from 6000 lbs/axle to 7000 lbs/axle (actual axle weight is just under 5000 lbs) and have had no more spring problems. I don't know what bumps feel like in the trailer, but at least it has shocks.
It depends upon which spring is broken. If it is the main/bottom spring with the eyes that connect to the will be OK until the first good brake application. Then that end of the axle will move rearward, probably allowing the tire to contact things you would rather it not! ;) memtb