turbojimmy wrote:
Desert Captain wrote:
If you think dodging road debris is scary in your RV think what it looks like to those of us riding motorcycles. A lot of bikers have ended up seriously dead as a result of these idiots improperly securing their loads.
At least the motorcycles maneuver and brake better than anything else on the road, but it's still no fun dodging debris. I almost dumped my bike when I hit a squirrel with my front tire on a curve (may he rest in pieces). A genny would have been rough.
Maneuver better, most likely yes; but these days, braking is pretty even between sports cars and sport bikes, with the best cars having shorter stopping distances than any bikes. A modern Corvette can brake from 60 to 0 in 93 feet. So far as I know, no motorcycle can equal or match that. (I suspect that's at least partly due to the higher center of gravity of a motorcycle relative to its wheelbase; braking is ultimately limited by the physics of not going over the front wheel.)
Of course, not all vehicles on the road are sports cars. It would be very hard to find a motorcycle that could not outbrake and outmaneuver my class C motorhome by a substantial margin!