wing_zealot wrote:
You want more bang for the buck you buy a TT. You want to pull a bigger RV with the same vehicle, you buy a TT. Other than that they are both the same; an RV, they just hitch up differently.
I see you edited out the remark about 5ers.
I would say that most 5er owners buy a 5er, because two reasons, not the reason in your first post.
#1. They naturally tow better and are far more stable than a TT, due to the location of the pivot point over the TV rear axle.
#2. Most 5er have more storage space than TT's, called the basement. This with a few exceptions negate the loss of the bed! That and the fact the bed is not totally lost, you just can't stack as high. This also cuts down on packing time, as the camping stuff the normally goes in the bed of the TV, is already in the basement of the 5er.
It is still personal choice, just my opinion.
As for TT, you CAN"T always pull a bigger TT with the same vehicle, there are limits on length and weight just like a 5er.