MoreToSee said "California is a wonderful state to travel in with a wide variety of different things to see and to. Unfortunately a large segment of the RV population seem to get an upset stomach at just the thought of crossing into California".
I agree completely, however, while we have all these wonderful sights our State,County and City governments find other things to spend money on rather that recreation, during school vacations out here it is a bugger to RV. So those of you that can make it in the winter, come enjoy our mild climates and those that can only travel in the summer, I'll stay out of your way and let the RV sit for three months while you have a chance to travel here.
To EPenny, I wish your daughter well, we are very well of your worries, our eldest has been battling colon cancer for about 6 years now and I just finished 8 weeks of radiation last spring. God Bless and hoping and praying for your daughter's full recovery.
On a lighter note, for the first time in over 40 years we are going to "Q" next week. We want to see "Q" as it is now as well as the RV Tent and Gem and Mineral Show. We are suffering for RVSA(RV separation anxiety). Also I got a battery minder solar charger and I want to see what it will do. And "soos", maybe we'll see you there.