From a friend of mine-
His dad worked for IBM in NY and saved up vacation time for 5 years (back when you could still DO that and not lose it at the end of the year). Then he loaded 4 kids into the station wagon and hooked up and Apache pop-up and headed out for a 2 month tour of the National parks.
The 2 oldest boys slept in a tent and the younger ones in the camper with Mom and Dad. Each kid had their own assigned chores for setting up and breaking down camp. They moved every day. And their Dad planned this for years and had dry run drills in the backyard for weeks before they left... those kids set up and broke down camp like they were on a NASCAR pit crew :) I believe he said that one of the first things to do was set up 2 lawn chairs for Mom & Dad so they could sit back and relax while the kids did all the work.
He said his Dad told people, "Well I worked and saved 5 years for this trip - and I"m doing all the driving, so it's only fair that they pull their own weight. And my wife birthed them, so her job is done" :) I laugh whenever I think about that.