It still amazes me to think of the summer road trips we took, mostly to Colorado and Mexico in the 50s from Dallas, four kids age 10 and under, plus cocker spaniel, trips that continued into the 60s. No air conditioning in the car, of course. That didn't come along until the 60s with floor units that dripped water on your feet.
I still have a Texaco map from the early 60s marked with our cross-country route, and it is interesting to see how many sections of the Interstate were yet unbuilt.
My dad set up a little stove to cook a meal one time in a National Park, and the flames shot up high. I recall how fast a ranger showed up and politely asked him to please not set the park on fire.
You had to carry a canvas bag of water hanging on the front of your car in case the radiator overheated. Does anybody else remember that?