Not sure if I qualify as geezer, but my family traveled in a TT starting in the mid 60's. The first was a 13' somethin' or other. We started out across Texas to Yellowstone. The first night went off without a hitch. The second night, somewhere in west Texas in July, we had a LITTTTLE trouble finding an rv park. The temp was somewhere in the low broiling range. We finally stopped on some dusty road in a ghost town at the long since boarded up drive-in theater. It was windy, so the reasonable thought was when the sun went down, the wind would cool us off. OK. Problem was, when the sun went down so did the wind. iT finally cooled off enough to sleep @ 3 the next morning. Got to out next stop, had elec and water, nice. Sis went to wash her hair in the tiny sink with the hand pump faucet. She fell to pieces. I HATE THIS THING. What a great trip, and first of many, it was.
One of the great pleasures was every now and then finding a few miles of finished interstate. What a treat!