Boon Docker wrote:
Welder99 wrote:
Lol........ Thanks Boon docker! But I think I would have to get a bank loan for that one! We build a campfire most of the time but figured if it was raining it would be nice to have the propane version . I've heard a lot of ppl that have them enjoy them. I'll keep my eye open on eBay or Craig's list and maybe I can stumble across a used one. If anyone see one let me know. Thanks again.
Here is one that is close to what you want.
And that is the reason they are essentially out of business. Camco stole the basic idea, cheaped it, mass produced it and put these guys with a far superior product out of business. The owners used to show up out in Quartzsite, and at the LA RV Show and were never bashful to tell the story