Not really an RV altercation but then those who misbehave bother all.
After years of reading about issue laden trips others had... one weekend the following transpired:
On a Fri. afternoon, a party of Ivy League(their cars clearly belonged to their parents and had bumper stickers that proclaimed the schools the children attended) college students checked in. They started the evening calmly enough having interesting convos that made ya giggle to self nostalgically at the earnestness. It then devolved into a late night drunk girl crying after waking up in the family SUV in unfamiliar surroundings. And locking the key in the car. And trying to get back in thus setting off the car alarm. Twice. Her slightly more sober girlfriends walked her up and down the campground as she cried copiously and loudly about who loved her. It all wound down about 2:00 am. The next morning when most campers were up 'cepting the late nite partyers various campers thru out the loop slammed doors, honked car horns, and wondered aloud who loved them. The children packed up and left a day earlier than they had reserved.
Later in the day a new family checked into the site next to me. Obviously new to camping (problems setting up their tent told the tale) the man and I helped them and since their site had no trees, allowed them to move closer into the shade of our site. We had nooo idea their 3 year old son had never slept outside his own bed in life; we were to learn. At 1:30 am the people from the site on the other side of us loudly suggested the couple walk their son to the beach to get him back to sleep. The couple with the crying child packed up and left by about 7:00 am Sunday morning.
It was an interesting but sleepless weekend.
Fortunately, to date, I've never camped in a state where handguns were allowed and I hope I'm snugly in my TT when the OK Corral reenactment begins.
Before we leave the state early in the morn before others awaken......