Some of you folks are far too forgiving. Maybe you've never had the pleasure of camping in places that the management actually care about your experience. Maybe you've been going to places like this so long that you think this is normal. It's only happening at places that tolerate it. If you like that sort of thing more power to you. I don't really care. But disrespecting and insulting those that don't care for it is pretty low. It's certainly not evidence of any tolerance anyone is professing.
I grew up with camping etiquette that you respect your fellow campers, don't go on or cut through the campsites of others, if the noise can be heard at the next site it's too loud (usually only pertains to music). It's just respect and, here's that phrase again, common sense.
And it can still be a social activity without encroaching or disrespecting others. I see large groups all the time when we camp. Really large groups, 30-40 people gathering in one site. And they are always respectful to others. One of the CGs we go to won't tolerate it any other way.