majorgator wrote:
Jebby14 wrote:
I get that the camp stoves are cheap. they work great used for years. the think I like with this is the burner/grill combo. I don't want anything fancy don't need a high end grill. your talking fast lunches and what not. for a good cook I use the fire. I liked the last one I had (although it was used for tailgaiting more than anything.) will post a report when I get back next week saying how it did.
OP, I see your located in "Windsor". Is this the Windsor, FL (by Gainesville)? If so (and if its not too late), I'll happily give you my coleman grill/stove combo. Its the like the one in your link, except red in color. BIGGEST PIECE OF JUNK I'VE WASTED MONEY ON FOR CAMPING GEAR!!!!!! Hard to clean, almost no control of the flame, ceramic coating does not last. We bought it about a year ago and have used it on about 3 or 4 camping trips. We're now using a plain-jane 2-burner Coleman stove and cheap wal-mart gas grill.
thanks but nope im Canadian eh Windsor ontario