boydrkb wrote:
Respectfully, Water-Bug, I spend my winters on BLM lands that are NOT maintained by our government. Not one smiggin of a two dollar doughnut is, or has ever been, spent on maintenance where I go. Should I see improvements, then yes, I'd expect to pay. We, you and I, already pay taxes. The last time I looked it was in excess of 30% out of every buck. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining (too much) but I do not think we need more taxation, we need better use of the taxes we are already paying.
"Maintaining where I go" is an interesting concept. I pay for air control systems I'll never use. I don't fly. I pay for school and colleges I'll never use. I have no kids. I pay for highways I'll never drive and to enforce laws I don't agree with. If there is a fire where you go, will you be there to put it out? If you get injured and need evacuated, what would you pay for assistance?
EDIT We live in a society where everyone thinks that they are entitled to something for nothing. 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax. Yet, they feel that they are entitled to use, what others have paid for, as a birthright.