In the 6½ yrs. that we've been RVing on a regular basis, nothing has ever been stolen. I don't keep anything out except a doormat and maybe 2-4 folding chairs and a small wrought-iron folding table. I keep my bike in the bay locked.
I have been amazed at what people 'do' leave out and nothing ever seems to be missing. I was told in Viejo, CA, at a campground not to leave my bike out (which I never do). The neighborhood was rougher than I thought it would be and it's right at the San Francisco bay in a beautiful area.
We went to the local grocery store less than 2-3 miles from the RV park and I thought where in the world did these people come from. I don't want to be judgmental but it was a very rough looking crowd. So, bad neighborhoods can be in beautiful places.
Growing up, we didn't live in a small enough town to keep our doors unlocked. The year I was born ('58), our house was burglarized when I was 2 months old and the guy that broke in took my Dad's wallet and ran out. He opened a window and slid over my sleeping siblings head. He was very quiet until he got to my parents room. A floor board squeaked and awoke my mother (thinking it was my older sister coming to say she had a bad dream or something). My Mom seeing the guy at the end of the bed made her start screaming which made the guy get out quick.
Since I've heard that story so many time growing up, I've always locked everything.