June Lake Fan wrote:
Need so me advise, I have a 2007 F-150 5.4 4wd.
Iam looking to purchase a 2006 Yukon Wilderness 29ft
travel trailer says rated at 8400lbs.
Does anyone see any problem towing this with this
size truck?
Welcome to the forum !
A lot 'depends' on many attributes
First, decide if you believe in the ratings system of your OEM or not.
Many do not and/or don't understand how the ratings system works and
will advise you accordingly.
If you do NOT believe in the ratings system, then do whatever...but
note that you have taken the OEM's off the liability and warranty hook
if you are over their ratings
If yes, the read up and learn HOW2 figure out the simple math yourself
It will require, or more accurately, be best go load up your TV ready
to go camping and weigh it axle by axle
'High desert' might mean hills, steep ones, winds and rolling terrain
Depending on how your TV is optioned out and how you load it up...that
trailer WILL be at the limits of ratings to over
Toss in steeps, hills, head wind, etc and your TV will die sooner than
it would below the limit
Semantics...'can' means a riding lawn mower 'can' do it, but not well
'Should' or 'safely' or 'rated for' are better terms
If me, I'd not...been there...done that...to survive to tell/advise
others of the potential hazards of going at to over the ratings limits
Here is a diagram showing the relationships of all the component/system
ratings and how they work in concert
howmuchcanitwo howmuchshoulditow