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danbjr's avatar
Jul 16, 2014

Canada to US border crossing

Just crossed from Canada to US in Houlton ME. Great experience, very professional, friendly. Good job!
  • i Corky wrote:
    A few years ago, on our first Canadian crossing, they had us held up for 2 hours. They insisted we had guns because we were from Texas. They searched the RV for 2 hours, 2 people, then let us go.

    When I crossed in May that was the first question and when I said no I was challenged, in a friendly way, that they thought it was the law in Texas that we all had to carry guns. I laughed and said no, he laughed and then told me I was flagged in the Canadian database. Had me pull over to the side and go inside and 'splain things. It was a minor work related issue from two years ago. Anyway, I ended up crossing back and forth four times and each time I was asked addition questions but never had a problem. I never had to undergo a search.

    Did have US Customs ask me on one crossing what kind of work I used to do and from that I gathered they also had me flagged. But again, no problems in four crossings this summer.
  • Interesting thread. I just came back from a business trip in Mexico today. Flew into Dallas/fort worth.
    US citizens and Canadian citizens go thru the same lines and scrutiny.

    Border Agent was friendly and professional.

    Airline on the other hand.
  • A few years ago, on our first Canadian crossing, they had us held up for 2 hours. They insisted we had guns because we were from Texas. They searched the RV for 2 hours, 2 people, then let us go.
  • danbjr wrote:
    Just crossed from Canada to US in Houlton ME. Great experience, very professional, friendly. Good job!

    Thank you Danbjr. Sure
    is nice to hear positive remarks.

  • My ol'job involved actually going to Canada to work, sometimes driving a US Gov vehicle. Depending on what was going on, this could involve up to: my crew (me and up to 5 people), a semi (two drivers), two 15 passenger vans (just about full), a pickup with three or four more and usually a handful of personal vehicles.

    If I crossed at the "usual" crossing the questions where quite perfunctory as we knew both sides (Canada and US) people at least by sight, and they knew us.

    If any of us crossed at one of the less usual spots things sometimes got amusing.
    Late one Friday night (I wanted to go home, so I left Friday after work, rather then wait for Sat AM) I was crossing at one of the more unusual spots and the US guard asked me why I was in Canada, did I have anything to declare, did... did... did. By this time the questioning was getting a little ridiculous.

    Finally asked me why I was driving a US Gov vehicle (I repeated the answer to why I was in Canada).

    He then asked me my Civil Service grade. I told him and he got very quiet and said I could go. As I drove away I realized that while my part of the Gov I was just a schmuck lead engineer, in his part of the Gov I was the same grade as his bosses, boss.
  • I've made dozens of crossings over the years, and never been treated with anything other than professionalism and respect. I think it has a lot to do with the way you present yourself to the border agents.

    Airports, not so much.