We just bought a new vehicle - traded in our 2014 Buick, in Florida. Dealer deducted the trade value from the sales tax, and we paid tax only on the balance. We had already secured financing for the balance at our CU ... but, the dealer said BMW would finance the balance at two percent lower than our CU. So, BMW financed at one point nine - and we took it.
BTW: it seems most everyone on here believes car/truck dealers somehow try to cheat every buyer. I agree, some do, and earlier in life it happened to me a time or two when as a young whipper-snapper, knew nothing.
But generally, dealers have a reputation to uphold, and tho folks always think "I got this deal, I coulda done better." Probably not - a dealer knows the value of a sale, and will make that sale, give or take a few bucks either his way or your way. Just do your homework - the web is a fine tool, but it's a tool - know your numbers and you will spend what you think a truck is worth, and the dealer will sell it, and make a profit. Dealers make more on servicing than on selling in the long run (I'm guessing here) and want to do all your service work - so screwing every customer makes NO sense.
Dealers might manipulate numbers a bit, and rhetoric, and semantics - but in the end, the bottom line you pay is the amount you pay, not matter how it gets there.