Forum Discussion

falconbrother's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 21, 2017

CB radios, useful or not..

I was digging through a box of stuff and found a CB radio that I had in my toad when we were motorhome-ing. For a moment I considered installing it in my Suburban but, it occurred to me that in the 12 years that it was installed in the toad I never once found a use for it. There was one time in a snow storm in East Tennessee that I turned it on in hopes of gleaning some information on traffic and road conditions. That turned out to be a total waste of my ears. My wife threatened to grab the steering wheel and drive us into a telephone pole if I didn't turn the thing off.

Are CBs useful anymore or do I line my garbage can with this thing?
  • I think it depends on where you are traveling to some extent.

    There were a few places on the Dalton Highway in Alaska where I would have felt a lot more comfortable if I had a CB radio and could coordinate with anybody who may have happened to be coming the other direction. They had road signs suggesting as much, too.

    Some CBs have weather radio receivers built in, which can be quite handy in their own right.
  • I think like the old 8-track's in your 1972 Firebird, they've pretty much gone the way-side. I think there is a small segment that still uses them, namely truckers, but the popularity among non-truckers has worn away and been replaced by cell-phone texting!