Here is a recent discussion on that topic.
I have one in my truck and it is usually on when we are traveling. I like it for the entertainment value and it has also come in handy numerous times when there has been a road blockage up ahead. The truckers are quite good about informing oncoming traffic about them.
I do not find much bad language from the truckers anymore. Used to be that way but the radio is pretty much silent now except when a parade of trucks goes by that have been traveling together for a while. Some of those trucker conversations are pretty interesting (not in a bad way). If there is any bad language it is usually coming from some yahoo in a house along the way.
I also use an earpiece so my wife doesn't have to listen to the radio all day. She like to listen to Sirius music most of the time or from music on her IPod.
Anyway, I like my CB radio and will continue to keep it in my vehicle until it no longer is useful. I don't see cell phones replacing the CB as you need a persons number to call them - you cant make a general broadcast like on a CB. I can't see any use for the cell phone for traffic alerts and help like a CB provides.