I’ve replied at length on other threads with this subject.
I’d no more leave home without a CB than without (fill in blank).
I’m sitting in OKC now. A “barely above stock” radio set-up. Listening to several familiar voices I know to be 12-14/miles away.
Much of the disappointment with CB comes from expecting poor installation and/or equipment to do a decent job.
If you’re an RV’er, then a pro quality install is, IMO, a requirement. The point to an RV is to get away. At some point you actually will be (no cell phone coverage, etc). Maybe that CB will reach someone. You’d willingly give that money or more at that point. There’s no guarantee you’ll be heard, but it’s frustrating to WANT to communicate but are without the means.
There’s not a week a CB Radio hasn’t saved me time, trouble or aggravation. I’m 14-days into the current trip. It’s also been a great source of amusement, but that’s partly due to the nature of the job and understanding others.
Amateur Radio has its adherents for travel, but few if any I’ve known travel without a CB as well.
Millions of CBs have been sold in this country. If cell phones fail, what then?
A proper thru-roof mount antenna on your tow vehicle will cause it to outperform nearly every big truck. I’d consider an AM/SSB Radio the minimum (UNIDEN 980 or PRESIDENT McKINLEY) and with an RM ITALY KL203 Amp — runs off 15A circuit; ck eBay — you’ll “get out” as far as you can receive. A SIRIO 5000 antenna. WEST MOUNTAIN RADIO CLEARSPEAKER to decipher faintest signals.
Looks expensive but spending more won’t really GET more. Not until you’re into Amateur quality.
More than once I’ve been about to leave a truckstop. And heard of a road stoppage ahead. So have the other drivers. I think I’ll keep my parking spot awhile.
Or because I have had (and in a different truck am working towards) high performance, I’m able to sidestep that problem far ahead of others. That I have a choice is what matters.
If it’s a wreck with fatalities (road closure) you work on why you ain’t interested in allowing tax parasites to use your RV bathroom. Or food, water and the rest. That’s your lawful obligation, isn’t it? A working lifetime of supporting the ones crowding your vehicle who can’t get by even when times are good.
Consider this example a preview; thus,
Be able to communicate with others already prepared.
“Wrong place at wrong time”, has many connotations.