DrewE wrote:
Slowmover wrote:
A proper thru-roof mount antenna on your tow vehicle will cause it to outperform nearly every big truck. I’d consider an AM/SSB Radio the minimum (UNIDEN 980 or PRESIDENT McKINLEY) and with an RM ITALY KL203 Amp — runs off 15A circuit; ck eBay — you’ll “get out” as far as you can receive. A SIRIO 5000 antenna. WEST MOUNTAIN RADIO CLEARSPEAKER to decipher faintest signals.
Aside from being illegal, that sounds like a fine setup.
The FCC imposes limits the output power of a CB radio; exceed those, and you're broadcasting without a license, and potentially liable to pay quite substantial fines. Many do get away with operating illegally powerful CB radios, but personally I would not chance it; the potential repercussions are far too great.
You let us know when that has happened. There’s a few million big trucks on the road and probably a half-million or more with higher-powered equipment. Some of them on the same roads at the same hours every weekday. For years. Easily found. But with zero problems. FCC ignores CB.
And, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, the baby amp has an on/off switch. So the amp is insurance. Up to 100W is great. But it’ll take 600W or more to increase the range past that. Even then it’s not impressive on the receiving end. The antenna system is what REALLY matters.
Ever run past the speed limit? Paid a substantial fine every single time you ran 33 in a 30? Fought it in court the times you did, didn’t you?
It’s a non-starter. And it would be plain stoopid to do without. In major metros and incrasingly rural, one can’t get heard AT ALL without some juice. It ain’t 1958 electromagnetically any more out there.
The guys who’ve gotten nailed have done things like hook up 100,000 watt TV broadcast amps.
What’s the difference between making incorrect change for a dollar and embezzling millions? (Only one rightfully gets the attention of law enforcement).