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danj239's avatar
Mar 14, 2019

CB Radios??

Hello, I was wondering how many (if any) of you have a CB radio or have ever used one while traveling? Those who have used them, how useful were they? Any information will be greatly appreciated.

  • danj239 wrote:
    Hello, I was wondering how many (if any) of you have a CB radio or have ever used one while traveling? Those who have used them, how useful were they? Any information will be greatly appreciated.


    yup. had one for many years, kept it on channel 19 just listening. the road info from the truckers helped us several times from being caught up in a traffic jam due to wrecks, etc. don't have one in the new MH as of yet. trying to find a place to put it.
  • Got a Cobra handheld CB, and two smaller Cobra walkie talkies for campground/parking short distance use. I use them for the same reasons others have mentioned. Info, stimulating trucker chatter, weather channel, etc. - They're small, lightweight, batteries last forever, and they take up little space, "better to have and not need, than to need and not have" for me.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    A common thread here you should search for it. but

    I run with 2 CB's and a 3rd (hand held no batteries in it) in storage.
    One on Chan 13 (Good sam's channel) is a 30 or so year old Realistic (Radio Shack) which served me well one day when I was driving on black ice.. (Did not know it.. yet) The radio warned me of a tired old semi that rolled over to take a nap so I stared backing it down.. Well I came up on half a 4 car accident and was able to stop safely.. Shelter the victim while we awaited the arrival of the Deputy Give him a nice warm "Office" to write it up and interview and then took the victims home as well (not that far out of my way). The other half of the accident limped off. .W/o the Radio I may well have crashed myself.

    The other is a nice top end COBRA on Chan 19.. IT told me of not one but TWO fatal accident about 3 1/2 miles down the road. Exit ramp 1/2 mile down the road (made use if it) enjoyed Supper. a nice relaxing night. breakfast and continued on in the AM.. The poor guy w/o a radio behind me.. A several hour traffic jam and higher blood pressure. Oh well better him than me.

    I also just replaced my Kenwood Dual band VHF/UHF Ham rig with a nice new Free ICOM ID-5100 (yes is was free) dual band (VHF/UHF) Plus weather alert and DSTAR.

    ANd I get my ID51A Hand held (Same radio in a hand held format) later today if UPS web site is to be believed.

    And when all else fails the RV's "Radio Room" has a Kenwood TS-2000.. HF/VHF/UHF all mode.. THe odds I can reach someone with that.. approach 100% though it's a tad more work as (I need to throw up the long wire for HF use most of the time (The "Travel" antenna is not all that good....yet...)
  • We use them between rigs when we are traveling across the state going hunting. Cell phones don't work in a lot of that area.

  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    I have 2 of them, but I don't know where they are anymore, haven't used one in years.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I have one under my seat in my Truck... Its great for monitoring the Truckers... I have the SQUELCH turned up all the way so that I only hear the real close by truckers... Language still pretty bad to listen to hehe...

    Have never talked with with a fellow RV'er with my CB setup..

    We use the FRS HAND HELDS from WALMART around the camp grounds... Hard to beat the CELL PHONES I guess...

    Back in the 50's and 60's everyone had a CB setup...

    I also have HAM RADIO but it is mostly used to check in with my Ham Radio buddies... We actually had FCC licenses back in the 60's I was issued KBX-5218 if my memory still serves me haha...

    Roy Ken
  • I have one as well but mine s a Single Side Band 10 meter radio and CB combined. We use ours in conjunction with handheld units when camping in the forest to communicate. Not so much on the road. Hard to distill the gibberish from factual information.
  • Here is a recent discussion on that topic.

    I have one in my truck and it is usually on when we are traveling. I like it for the entertainment value and it has also come in handy numerous times when there has been a road blockage up ahead. The truckers are quite good about informing oncoming traffic about them.

    I do not find much bad language from the truckers anymore. Used to be that way but the radio is pretty much silent now except when a parade of trucks goes by that have been traveling together for a while. Some of those trucker conversations are pretty interesting (not in a bad way). If there is any bad language it is usually coming from some yahoo in a house along the way.

    I also use an earpiece so my wife doesn't have to listen to the radio all day. She like to listen to Sirius music most of the time or from music on her IPod.
    Anyway, I like my CB radio and will continue to keep it in my vehicle until it no longer is useful. I don't see cell phones replacing the CB as you need a persons number to call them - you cant make a general broadcast like on a CB. I can't see any use for the cell phone for traffic alerts and help like a CB provides.
  • We have a CB in our coach and typically use it about twice a year, typically in a vain attempt to find out why traffic on out route is backed up a mile. About 50% of the time we get useful information (which doesn't help our situation BTW) and the rest of the time we get truckers swearing at whoever it was that caused the accident. Can't remember a time when it was actually "useful". Unless I'm stuck in traffic, it is turned off. Cell phones seem to have taken over for most of what a CB used to

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