wapiticountry wrote:
When we sold our parks, and I can assure you many other owners will agree, a primary motivation was the fact dealing with the public is exhausting both physically and mentally. We got a good price, but likely wouldn’t have sold had our experiences been better. A couple of decades of people whining and complaining is strong motivation to get the heck out. Unlike private owners, corporations can churn through managers and employees. I don’t blame them a bit for trying to squeeze every dime from every customer. I sometimes wish we had done the same.
Bingo! You hit the nail on the head! The service industry s ucks! We all love a nice mom n pop (name the business). But the general public is generally insufferable and a constant battle to please, keep up with, or deal with insolence and other behavioral issues.
We have had the, I’ll say the same unfortunate experience, dealing with tenants.
Have rented out 4 different homes of ours. Each one for a different reason. And my experience, growing up, my grandmother and then parents had 2 apartments and a house that we rented out. I remember the many trips to fix stuff at 10:00 at night and Dad grumbling about that. And 1 renter who generally never could quite come up with rent on time, but despite their lack of personal financial management, were good folks, turned into family friends actually and in the end didn’t leave us hanging.
My experience, starting some 15 years later was a direct departure from that experience my parents had.
I thought, renting out a nice large custom home (they were all ex - residences that we hung on to for different reasons, Some to make money, some to not lose money by selling at the wrong time, would generally provide at least a somewhat acceptable tenant. 4 houses and 8 tenants later, I can say with a great deal of confidence, I will never (unless absolutely necessary) own another rental! 2 good tenants, 1 decent and 5 that wouldn’t pay, destroyed the house, etc. Even had one that went from great to the 3rd worst!
Just like a campground owner, I needed the money, so I let ‘em in. And then at the end of the day, several of them cost us far more than they paid us!