Jun 04, 2022Explorer II
CG Prices
Preaching to the choir, beating a dead horse, etc etc I know but I still have to vent. I've been camping my whole life and have had travel trailers for the past 18 years and never thought I would...
kfp673 wrote:Selling out is not the goal of a business, maximizing profitability is. It is much more profitable for a park to be 75% full at $250 or $300 a night than it is to be sold out at $100 a night. Like hotels, airlines, and many other businesses RV parks are adopting dynamic pricing. Peak demand dates will have peak pricing. Thank computers for making it easy to implement. You are going to see it more and more.Lantley wrote:
Sun recently purchased frontier towne in OC.
I feared for the worst. However it has not been as bad as expected.
They added a new fully paved full hook up section that is very nice.
I agree rates increased substantially, but I'm sure adding 50 full hook up sites was a few million dollar project.
As mentioned Frontier towne is in a resort town and will never be an economy destination.
There are budget friendly destinations but they are generally not located in prime tourist areas
You cannot realistically compare resort town CG prices to other non resort CG's.
You need to consider what hotels and condo's go for in resort areas to get a better feel for pricing.
Not comparing resort to non resort. Just saying that those 2 in particular you mentioned had a range of prices over Memorial Day of $200-350 per night. That’s insane and as mentioned in my first post, I’m sure was the reason they did not sell out. They are both decent places but I have stayed at far far better for a small fraction of the price. You could never touch a site at one of those two resorts over Memorial Day if you did not book far in advance. Now that they are owned by the corporations who jacked the prices to more than double with the private owners used to charge they are not Selling out. Again $350!!! Now I know that is not their regular price on a non-holiday weekend but Just poking around I have noticed even their regular weekend rates have gone up substantially as have every other park purchased by corporations that I pay attention to.
I appreciate all of the comments on this thread. It’s great to hear all the different perspectives from all of the different areas of the country. At the same time it’s just a shame to see the costs continue to rise with very little improvement. It’s also a shame to see two or three large corporations buying up so many of our favorite private resorts and essentially ruining them with decreased service and increased pricing.