dwayneb236 wrote:
Our dogs when outside. They are never out there alone. Only 2 of them mine. If we go camping, they go camping. This is per my wife. Love my dogs but would rather they were boarded. Mine are far left and far right. My dog right. Wife's left.

Wonderful,just wonderful. When i am the next one to camp here with my Grand kids they will get to play in the grass where your dogs have deficated and peed.
I guess it is the ALL ABOUT ME mentality that is so prevelent today.
Wonderful, just wonderful. When I am the next one to camp here I will get to play in the grass where your grandkids drooled, and spilled food and drink, and picked their noses, or wiped their snotty little hands in the grass, or peed their pants, or vomited because you gave them too much candy, or its all a mud pit because they tore all the grass up....
I guess it's all about the me mentality AND the sheltering of kids that makes them the way kids are today....
Maybe you should stay home with your grandkids so they are safe and clean. Or better yet, put them in a bubble.