I think this is the route I’ll take.
JaxDad wrote:
A screw eye, two screw hooks and a length of 1/4” aluminum rod.
Up near the top of the door put a screw eye into the door near the edge on the side opposite the hinges. Center of the door put a screw hook, a couple of inches further away from the screw eye put the second hook. Take the aluminum rod and form a small eye in one end. Cut the rod so that the length is enough that when the eye at the end is slipped over the closest hook and through the screw eye it reaches an inch or so past the door frame, a simple deadbolt that requires no keys. To leave it open merely slip the eye off the closest hook and onto the second hook for storage.
It’s very cheap and easy to make and requires only 3 screw holes, no butchering the door and frame.
It makes it extremely difficult for a little one to get out without a lot of noise, but in an emergency an adult can push (or pull) right through it.