Forum Discussion

mahafae's avatar
May 07, 2014


My husband and I are considering the fulltime lifestyle. I am a RN and would be working as a travel nurse. We have a 2 year old that would need to be in daycare while I work. How do other fulltime families deal with this? (My husband won't always be with us as he travels with his job but we aren't able to go with him.)
  • Hi

    I have one son and two daughter in laws who are RN's.

    They have always had good luck finding Nurses on other shifts, or other rotations who would swap duties babysitting with them, at no cost to either party.

    One daughter in law works only weekends and swaps babysitting with a nurse who only works weekdays.

    They are not full timers but it might work for you.
  • This question is interesting to me because my husband and I are planning to become RVers in the next 2-3 years. I am thinking about employment opportunities that will make this work for us. I can do remote computer work such as technical writing, but I have been a child care provider for many years, and wondered if there might be a way to provide that service for other campers who need child care. I don't know how it would work, but I found this topic interesting just knowing that there might be a need.
  • A couple thoughts perhaps alternatives to full time Rving.

    From your second post I wonder where the two older kids will be during this RV adventure? Will they be with you, with your dh, or perhaps with another family member?

    My kids go to an international private school grades 7-12. The school nurse gets free accommodation and children of staff attend for free. That would take care of employment, accommodation and a better education for the older kids. One of the teachers has a now 2 year old who has lived on campus since birth and has 150 teens who love him to bits.

    Summer camps: here in BC a summer camp needs to have a nurse on staff. Last year the camp my daughter attended had a single mother nurse with a 9 years old dd with her. Once again employment, accommodation and a great place for kids all rolled in one.

    I had huge challenges finding good daycare for my second child. He is 10 years younger than his brother and I had to work full time. For him, it was not good to change daycare, but we had to 5 times before he was 2 years old. All the daycares were licensed, but after the first one lost its funding it was almost impossible to find another good place for him.

    Because of what we went through with ds2, I would hesitate to plan on moving a child from daycare to daycare when that young.

    Later two of my friends watched the kids after school.

    Good luck with your future plans, you know your family best and will make the best decision for your situation.
  • one other thought. Try posting this on the full-time forum. They not only have their opinions and ideas, but seem to aware of other resources.
    good luck
  • We will move it to Full-Time if requested by the OP, but in line with our posting rules, please do not double post it. Thanks. :)
  • What will you do when the child is ready for school.. in 3-4 years? I don't envy you in this definition of "fulltiming."
    Chock Full o' Nuts wrote:
    what is your plan when the baby gets sick and you need to work? Will you have someone to back you up when the baby has chicken pox/flu/fever/vomiting and can't go to daycare for a week?
    Absolutely. Kids get sick. Sorry but I'm not a 'go for it' kind of guy on this subject.