Forum Discussion

njtony's avatar
May 18, 2020


How do you get rid of chipmunk in your motor home. I have found one nest already. Got rid of it but still have them inside . HELP
  • Grit dog wrote:
    valhalla360 wrote:
    K Charles wrote:
    Squirrels will get rid of chipmunks, get a squirrel.

    Then get a woodchucks to take care of the squirrels?

    Then get Bill Murray to get rid of the woodchucks?

    Prolly easier to just kill the chipmunks. Will they not go to a trap with peanut butter on it or similar?

    Bill Murray has reached official geezer status, his gopher safari days are long behind him. He's probably posting under an incognito moniker on these boards such as Carl Spackler or Sandy McFiddish. I'd find a Honey Badger.
  • Here in the mountains of VA, anything with an engine that sits for any duration will inevitably see a host of critters taking up residency.

    I've become a master at keeping rodents out of the trailer but all other equipment, it's a never ending battle.
  • pcaffrey wrote:
    Try the bucket "O" death. Five gallon bucket filled half way with water, cover water with a couple handful's of sunflower seeds. Give them a little ramp to go up, usually a trail of seeds. They dive in for the seeds not seeing the water and drown. This really works. I have caught many with this method.


    We have our trailer in a campground situated in the middle of a state forest. One winter they made a mess and had nests in our kitchen drawers! We found their entrance holes and sealed them up with aluminum sheet metal. Have not had any more inside for the past several years (knock on wood!).

    Squirrels are abundant and we got rid of most of them using the bucket method. Still put out the bucket once or twice a year and get some more. You will be amazed at how well this works! Seems we have fewer each year.
  • City boy here. We don’ t have any chipmunks but we have squirrels. The only time they chew our cable wires, although this doesn’t happen very often. If I throw them nuts to keep them fed.
    At campgrounds I only shoot a camera at the chipmunks while sipping on a beer. That’s just my entertainment.
    But this thread is one of most entertaining I’ve followed in a long time.
    I guess we’re all getting cabin fever.
  • We had mice and was told to place a few opened bars of Irish Spring soap (original) around inside our RV with the packages opened. We have Not had any mice since. This might work on chipmunks. I also put bars of Irish Spring soap around in my pole barn and shop area, and again no mice so far this winter.

  • pbeverly wrote:
    valhalla360 wrote:
    K Charles wrote:
    Squirrels will get rid of chipmunks, get a squirrel.

    Then get a woodchucks to take care of the squirrels?

    One year I took out 20+ squirrel's with a pellet gun. They had backups ready to go. As soon as I took one out a backup showed up.

    I have a Red Shoulder Hawk couple that lives on the property and I am sure they help, but my numbers stay rather steady.

    One of out our cats decapitated one one and used the head as a ball. Just depends on his mood at the time though, not reliable.

    You GUYS have made my day, as things were a bit touch and go at the homestead here in Florida. I read both messages and I started rolling on the floor laughing so hard I was crying. You added a whole other meaning to the word "BACKUP" so funny thanks.

    What do you think of using the SOUND alarm things? As they give off a high-pitched sound? That runs them off? I am going to setup a water bucket and then I'll just feed them to the snakes, and birds to eat. Thanks guys big help.