Guy with a Cedar Creek 5'r had no chocks and front elevators on 6X6's. On a flat and level site. He backed in his new RAM dually to hitch up. When he bumped the hitch, the trailer rolled back and the elevators slid off the 6X6's. dug into the ground about 4 inches. Then bent the elevators. And bent up the bed rails on his new truck with a terrible crunch. He had some of his friends around, all kibitzing about how to get it back up to try and re-hitch. I approached and asked if they needed help, or an extra jack or two, I can help with that. To which I was told,"No we got this. Charlie has been towing trailers for 40 years. He knows what he is doing."
I immediately backed away, and offered them best of luck. But I wondered if he was so smart, why he ignored the first rule. "Chock first...And un-chock last." He may be very experienced. I wasn't impressed.