Forum Discussion

Richard_999's avatar
Jan 25, 2018

Cleaning Fogged Headlights

I have been applying ZEP floor Wax to my 2000 REXHALL Rose Air , and decided to try it on my headlights as well !

A M A Z I N G L Y ...................... It did a FANTASTIC JOB !
One light was Sorta foggy ... the Drivers was YELLOW ....
It turned them BOTH into what looks like BRAND NEW !
I used it on my CRV & Hyundai Tuscon as well... and it had the SAME incredible results.

I applied more than one coat , with no preparation cleansing.

I have used ZEP on my other Motorhomes & Boats ,for many years ... and it does a FANTASTIC job... even after years of being there.

Hope this helps someone else.

Richard / S. Carolina
2000 Rose Air
2004 CRV
  • Thanks for the tip. I'll try it.
    I use ZEP on out 96 Southwind but, I never tried it on the headlight covers.