garyhaupt wrote:
I'm sorry..what is that like? passing someone?
Gary Haupt
On a two lane road move over slightly so you can see around the lower car in front of you.
If someone is coming get back over and stay back from the car in front of you at a safe distance.
If no one is coming start building up a little speed. But, be very carefully at this point because you are moving faster then the car you are following be ready to brake hard at any moment!!
When you get close enough to the car in front of you peek out again. If someone is coming brake hard and get back to a safe distance.
If there is no one coming, signal, pull out into the left lane. Make double sure you have enough distance to complete the pass and then GO!! This is the most unsafe part of the passing procedure so put the pedal to the metal and get your a** moving.
If you are driving a automatic just be careful when the car downshifts that if the rear tires break loose keep it under control. :B
When you get safely in front of the car you are passing, signal, get back into the right lane take your foot off of the gas and cost back down to the speed you want to be at.