Do the trucker not flash their lights to let you know when you have cleared them anymore ? I most always do for them.Pulled the TT to Ms and back last week 1800 miles not a one did,surprise me. Jerry
Most do not. The insurance companies frown on it and if one of their adjusters see the company may see a rate increase. They cite liability issues if there is an accident.
We drove up I-77 yesterday from Columbia, SC to Ft Chiswell, VA. Of the half dozen or so semi's that passed us and were flashed back over, two sent a "Thanks" with a couple of 4-way flashes. Of the half dozen or so semi's we passed, three flashed us back over and got thanked in return. It does seem to be less prevalent now, particularly among younger truckers.
I think it's about 50/50 for me. In my case, I think it depends a lot on how fast I am passing the truck or if someone is on my rear wanting to pass us both.