I've had 3 kidney stones. Twice, when I lived in town, I drove myself to the hospital. I was living out in the country for the third one, so I called an ambulance. One of the roads out was very twisty & narrow (great fun in my '83 Rabbit GTi ;)). On the way out, sure enough we smacked mirrors with a pickup in a curve. The old guy driving the pickup insisted that the ambulance stay there until the NCSHP arrived.
They sent a 2nd ambulance, and I got transferred. The 1st crew came by to visit me in the emergency room. The driver made the comment that he was sure glad he'd been wearing wraparound sunglasses, since his window was down and the mirrors exploded in his face.
The first two stones were slow & intensely painful. Darn'd glad there was morphine available. But I passed this 'un with no issues. Maybe the shock scared it out... ;)
Jim, "Mo' coffee!"