Community Alumni
Dec 28, 2021OK Coach Net problem solved hopefully
As I understand it, there were some new accounts merged with established Coach Net accounts by a RV dealer in Texas. I discovered the issue when I was sent a renewal email with a different account number and attempted to sign into my account. When I signed into my account, I needed to use the secret question and answer method to get into it and was surprised to find someone else’s name and address there but my information on my RV was correct. There were other issues too when trying to renew, (hit the renew button), and then the correct name came up but said my account had expired by more than 90 days.
Per the person I talked to at CN today this has happened to a hundred or so accounts and people are calling in. This information was not available when I called the first time on December 8th.
The fix was done by Coach Net’s IT department issuing new accounts and closing the old established account, hence the expired message, and then having the account holder, me, sign into CN and sign up like a new member using a new username and the new account number. Once I signed into the account all my information was there just like nothing had happened except for a new account number.
I need to say even with the issues above that when I called into customer service and used my name, they, Coach Net, knew who I was and confirmed my coverage
Thought I would pass this along as it sounds like there may be a few more but who really knows for sure