Best coffee I ever had...... Was at a little restaurant in Palmdale CA (Mexican place)
Best coffee I ever made....
Years ago when my Darling Daughter who is now mother of my grandchild was still in high school she performed with an extracurricular orchestra, (First flute, one time ONLY flute). Well the deal was you had to either shelp the coffee service or buy (on a rotating basis) Bagles or donuts or stuff.. I had the storage space at home (My 13 foot SCAMP trailer) and a van that could hold it all so I offered to be the Sgt at Coffee Arms as it were. So for 3 years I was "The Bagel Dad". Got to meet some interesting people including one minister and a couple of DSO (Detroit Symphony) Members who had children in the same program.
For one of their concerts I was the coffee maker.. So i went to Meijer's Thrifty Acres and got some of their Breakfast Blend,,, This is a whole bean, they grind it at point of sale.. I used it that same day.
Went through 3 30 cup pots. (usually only made one figured possibly 2 with the Concert, did not count on having to make 3)
Thankfully I had brought an extra coffee pot with me. (my own that I used as a water heater in the Trailer or doing dishes, Since it did not have a water heater)