dedmiston wrote:

- Furnace under the stove in main living area
- No ducting to the bedroom
- Door needs to stay closed for privacy. (I assume that includes the bathroom door.)
Those are pretty hard constraints.
I camp a lot in the winter in sub-freezing temps and our furnace is ducted but it isn't great in our front bedroom. So I think I'm pretty familiar with your situation.
We leave the furnace set to somewhere between 55 and 60 to keep the main areas warm and keep the enclosed belly warm enough to prevent freezing. This doesn't keep us warm in bed though.
Our strategy is:
- Extra blankies
- Sleep as close as practical (including sometimes a dog on top of the bed)
- A portable buddy heater set to low. Depending on what time we go to bed, it will usually run until about 4:30 or 5:00 before the fuel runs out. Looking at your floor plan, you have room for one.
- Get up around seven and put on sweats and move around until it's practical to go outside and start a fire.
- If we're super cold and nobody is near enough to be bothered by the sound of a gen, we'll fire up the gen after seven and run the electric fireplace to heat the place up to 70 so we can run around in cutoffs again like fools.
You just have to be creative though. There are lots of options, but you can't say no to all of them, or else you'll still be cold.
From your suggestions:
- Extra blankies
That works for the interim.
- Sleep as close as practical (including sometimes a dog on top of the bed)
What if I am sleeping alone?
- A portable buddy heater set to low. Depending on what time we go to bed, it will usually run until about 4:30 or 5:00 before the fuel runs out. Looking at your floor plan, you have room for one.
No where to put it safely without it touching something.
- Get up around seven and put on sweats and move around until it's practical to go outside and start a fire.
The main area stays warm, so that's not an issue.
- If we're super cold and nobody is near enough to be bothered by the sound of a gen, we'll fire up the gen after seven and run the electric fireplace to heat the place up to 70 so we can run around in cutoffs again like fools.
Wish we had a fireplace.