wa8yxm wrote:
Try Home Depot, Lowes, Mennards. The disposable propane bottles. Does not matter much what name is on them so long as it is Propane. can usually be found at ever big box home improvement. Sam's Costco. and Joe's hardware(generic for every hardware store on the planet)
Caution however there is different gas (MAP)comes in the same kind of bottle...NOT for use in cooking
Actually "MAPP" gas was acceptable for use for cooking, does burn at higher temps than straight propane, sold in yellow 1 lb disposable containers.
Downside was MAPP gas cost more than propane making it less cost effective for cooking.
MAPP gas was used for used as a replacement for Oxy-Acetylene torch welding but turned out less than ideal since MAPP gas has a high Hydrogen content which made very brittle welds.
I have used MAPP gas to do light "brazing", it did work OK for that although I am sure it could have introduced some Hydrogen in the few items I brazed.
In 2008 production of MAPP gas was discontinued and a new "version" was introduced as "MAP-Pro" and that burns at cooler temp than MAPP gas but higher than Propane.
You may be able to find BOTH NOS (New Old Stock)MAPP (once the supply stock runs out it will no longer be available) and MAP-Pro, they are both sold in yellow cans but I can assure you, the prices will make you think twice for cooking use.. A 2 pack of MAP-Pro on Amazon is running right around $40+
I have not tried MAP-Pro, haven't the need now that I have a Oxi-Acetylene torch set laying around.
Found a write up about MAPP gas..