The_Painting_Teacher wrote:
Just drove 2 1/2 days from Cape Cod Mass to St Augustine FL at slightly below the speed limit (2 - 3 mph to reduce the resetting of cruise control). I had a total of 9 RV's pass me ... Class A + C, 5'ers, and TT's. As they passed, I flashed my lights to let them know it was safe to pull back in ... a time-honored custom. Not one .. NOT A SINGLE ONE had the courtesy to put on flashers for a second to acknowledge my signal. Truckers? About 85%. I will continue the practice for safety sake, but it would be nice to have that custom extended with a "Thanks fellow RV'er."
I am 42 and learned to drive in suburbia. My parents and driver's ed instructor never mentioned that flashing lights at a passing vehicle to let them know it was safe to move over was the thing to do. The only reason I know what it means is because on a road trip in a car to Florida many years ago, I got annoyed at the truckers that were flashing their lights at me after I passed them. I mentioned it to another person in the car with me and he explained why it happened. Of the 4 of us in the car, only 1 knew why it was done.
I do not respond with flashers when someone blinks their lights at me. The proper response that I was taught was to tap the brake pedal 3 times. That is what I do.
Having driven up and down I-95 6+ times a year for the last decade, the trend is definitely moving away from flashing headlights at passing vehicles to inform them it is safe to pull back in.