Forum Discussion

jehsr's avatar
Jul 21, 2017

Converter for Flojet Macerator Pump

Does anyone have a recommendation for a converter to run a Flojet macerator pump. My Southwind has a 110 receptacle in the water/sewer bay and it would simple to use a converter to switch the 110 AC to 12 v DC, rather than use the house batteries.

I see Amazon sells a PowerMax 35 AMP converter for $105.00, has anyone used this unit, if so does it work well?

  • I'm not familiar with the "single stage converter" you mention, and when I checked online could not find it. Do you have a website I could research?
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    YOu don't need a "Converter" you need a power supply (Single stage converter) much lower in cost than a good RV converter.

    IN my case the master fuse box is over the waste tanks and it was an easy job to run an additional circuit 25 or 30 amp (I used 40 amp rated wire) to the outside and add a pair of connections (Anderson power poles in my case) That is what I suggest, you can also run off the battery .. I used 10Ga Speaker wire and 30 amp fuses.
  • I use a 30amp convertor to run my Flo-Jet, tried the battery charger (50amp), route, not enough power to run it
  • Best bang for the buck in 12V DC power supplies.


    Use the vehicle battery, when the engine is running ! Buy the appropriate length of 10 gauge wire (the stuff at HD (THHN) will be stiff, but fine). Buy some "small" jumper cable clips from eBay (Mueller BU-41C or BU-46C) and two set of Anderson PowerPole PP45 connectors. Some assembly required.
  • you could make your own battery cables with some 14/2 or better yet 12/2 cord. the cheapest way would to buy an extension cord and cut the ends off. Add some battery clamps and you would be set. Better than some convertor I think. I bought a Min Ko ta plug set and added the plug right by the pump. Yes I had to run some wires, but now the plug is right there forever and no worries about wrong hookups either.
  • They don't seem to have enough AMP's, the Flojet calls for 20 AMP's to run.
  • Running wire back from the batteries would be cheaper if I did the work myself, but I'm not interested in making that effort.

    My coach batteries are about 25-30 ft from the pump, do they make battery cables that long?
  • I used some 10AWG battery cables which did the job when I needed to use the macerator pump.
  • It seems like it would be easy to run 10 AWG from the batteries and a lot cheaper.