On our first trailer with 30 amp service we just counted: only two at a time of AC, microwave, hair dryer, toaster, & iron. Then came the second trailer with 30 amp service and an electric element in the water heater, but no way to predict when it would turn on, and the only switch being outside. So, I decided that I wanted the 120/240 split connection, but I didn’t have a place inside the trailer for a new 120/240 panel. NEC code says the panel must be “accessible”.
So, I separated the microwave circuit and the water heater circuit from the 30 amp OEM panel. I wired in two new 12 gauge with ground black type SO cables hooked to these two circuits, and ran them out a big cable hatch door that I installed in place of the small OEM hole, right beside the existing 30 amp cable. So, I have 3 cables coming out the hatch. I built a 30 amp 120/240 distribution panel on a board that sits outside, with one 30 amp outlet, and two 15 amp outlets. It is fed by a 6 gauge 4 conductor cable with a 50 amp plug. I carry every Camco electrical adapter known to mankind, and this setup gives ultimate flexibility. I can just plug into 50 amps at the pedestal. Or, I can put a 30 to 50 adapter on the 50 amp plug and count devices (with the water heater turned off), or I can plug the OEM 30 amp cable into a 30 amp supply, and then plug the microwave 15 amp cable into the outlet on the side of the trailer. One disadvantage of my design is that it takes a little longer to set up. One advantage, is that it will be very easy to reverse at trade in time.
Couple of notes:
1) Not all pedestals are wired equal. If the pedestal has one 30 amp outlet and one 15 amp outlet, they may be powered by one 30 breaker back at the distribution panel limiting total current to 30 amps.
2) All panels after the pedestal (including the pedestal actually) must have separate neutral and ground bus bars. The smaller boxes usually don’t come with the second bus bar, so one needs to be purchased and screwed to the metal case (assuming that the neutral bar is isolated from the case).
3) A additional advantage of the 50 amp 120/240 connection is reduced voltage drop when the load is balanced on both legs—helps on long cable runs.