NanciL wrote:
LarryJM wrote:
NanciL wrote:
What would it entail to convert from a 30 amp service to a 50 amp one?
I am thinking just a new 50/60 amp panel, a new power cord, and then a 30 amp breaker and cord from the new panel to feed the existing one.
Any thing else ?
Jack L
Several of us have converted our trailers to a dual 30A service doubling the OEM service at a fraction of the cost of a full 50A service. I considered going the 50A route, but the cost was extreme, I would have lost a lot of good 30A equip (original 30A detachable cord and spare 30A extension and all my 30A dogbones). You can see how and what I did along with costs and where I got the material in the album HERE
I still have to watch what I use since the factory wiring still provides for the A/C, microwave, and WH which alone all would draw more than 30A just by themselves, but all me extra stuff (elec. space heaters, convection/toaster oven, coffee pot, etc. are now run off my second service). I also did not have to touch or modify any of the OEM 30A service to do this so it's 100% reversible.
You are missing what I am describing. I will only have one 50 amp service coming into the trailer to a new 60 amp panel.
My 30 amp panel will now be fed from a 30 amp breaker in the new panel, which will keep that and all its secondary wiring to outlets, microwave and Ac unit the exact same.
The only cost will be the new panel, and new 50 amp power cord.
my labor is free
jack L
No I didn't misunderstand what you are trying to do, I was only offering what I think is the best and most cost effective alternative to do essentially what you are wanting. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND you first go to an RV store or a neighbor at a CG who has a 50A cord and trying wrestle that thing around and coil it up and see just how big, heavy, and stiff it can be. I couldn't see a 50A "mouse hole" setup trying to stuff than 2x4 back into that confined space. For close to just the cost of the detachable 50A service entrance setup you can do my complete system. Not only does my method allow to hookup a 60A dual service system where 50A pedestal service is available, but I can get 50A service from a 30A only pedestal by hooking up my OEM service to the 30A pedestal outlet and then using the 20A aux outlet usually found on all pedestals to feed my second 30A service. Only downside with that is I would have to watch what I plug into my second 30A service outlets in the trailer since they will now be limited to the 20A pedestal outlet by the two 15A breakers in the second service subpanel in the trailer.
With your system you will also need new dogbones so you can hook up your 50A service to 30A only pedestals and to household type 15/20A outlets when at residences w/o RV electrical setup service.
Doing what you are thinking is going to get you at best 20A more than what I have and I bet the cost will be about 3 to 4X what I spent on my system.